Lunch With Sandy

The Heart of the Matter: What Men Admire in Partners

Terrance Jackson Season 3 Episode 10

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Ever wonder what ignites a spark in the diverse tapestry of men’s hearts? This episode, Sandy and I, get real about the qualities men truly admire in a partner. From ambition that's less about clocking hours and more about chasing dreams, to confidence that radiates without relying on the crowd's applause; we're serving up a feast of insights. Join us at our table where we share a slice of our lives, including that time we ran a half marathon together, all to illustrate the grit and grace of a goal-oriented partner.

Our heart-to-heart doesn't stop there. We navigate through the complexities of emotional stability and intelligence, unpacking why an engaging mind and a calm emotional center can be the bedrock of a fulfilling relationship. Forget superficial charm; it's the depth of conversation and the ability to weather life's storms together that make a partner ideal. And yes, we bring the 'cherry on top' qualities into the light—dependability, support, and consistency—that can transform a good relationship into a great one. So, cozy up and tune in for real talk on what makes a partnership truly satisfying.


In a relationship, when is honesty not the best policy? How do you balance what you want versus what you need, and is there something you need to say to your spouse but can't find the right way to say it? If so, then you're in the right place. This is the Lunch with Sandy podcast. With nearly 20 years of marriage under their belts, Terrance and Sandy Jackson discuss a range of topics, provide valuable insights on relationships and talk about the conversations married couples need to have. So what does lunch have to do with all of this? Well, it's a metaphor for how these conversations originally started. Speaking of conversations, let's get one going. Here's your hosts, Terrance and Sandy.


Welcome to another episode of the Lunch with Sandy podcast, where we delve into various topics and offer insights from the perspective of a married couple. I'm Terrance.


And I'm Sandy.


And today we're going to discuss some characteristics that men look for when choosing a partner. But before we get into that, please remember to follow the Lunch with Sandy podcast on your favorite podcasting app. You can also follow us on all social media at lunch with Sandy. Speaking of Sandy, let's see how she's doing, sitting over there wrapped up like a old lady who is freezing to death.


I am. It's chilly today.


I was actually outside. It wasn't that bad. The sun started coming out. I thought it was going to be all cloudy today. I don't know how it is right now, but earlier the sun was out and it was nice. It was a bunch of people out there walking.


I did not see the sunshine today, unfortunately. I went for a run. It was cloudy and then Old lady.


A couple of weeks ago, we had a conversation and we were talking about characteristics that some women look for when they're looking for a partner. And today we're going to flip the script and we're going to talk about some of the characteristics that men look for. But before I get into that, I just want to make sure that I let everyone understand that Well, not let everyone understand. I want to make the statement that I do understand that everyone is different, so I can't categorize all men into one grouping when we talk about characteristics that they look for.


Did you take a poll with some of these things, or?


I didn't have to take a poll.


Man, you felt like you were.


I'm more than man enough to answer this question for all the men in the world.


I don't yes.


You're not going to allow your response to that, I'm not.


I don't know how I can offer.


So here's something you can offer before I even get into this, because, again, I think men and women are different in some ways. But do you think that men and women look for the same thing when they're choosing a partner, speaking just from the perspective of what they look for characteristically?


I don't know. I think to some degree, probably Right. I think, I feel like there are some that are going to be overlapping, for sure.


I think that, when you know, when we had this conversation a couple of weeks ago, I talked about the pieces and what the pieces are made up. I think that when we, when we talk about what men are looking for from the perspective of characteristics, I think, just as with women, there's a foundational aspect of what it is that they're looking for.


Well, obviously I'm going to have all the characteristics, but yeah, there is.


Well, we'll see about that. We'll see about that. And again, everyone is different and I'll try to touch on a number of different aspects. But, I think, when we talk about the foundational portion of what men Look for when choosing a partner and again, this is not all men, but the ones who are like me- that's the majority right.


Nope, it's not, I think. When we talk about that foundational aspect of what men are looking for, I think it's made up of Certain pieces, and I think one of the biggest pieces is when men start looking for characteristics in a woman or or. One of the things that attracts men to particular woman is ambition. Mm-hmm right, and when I say ambition, I'm talking about the fact that we want someone who has a Particular. We're looking for someone who has some drive.


Yeah when you start talking about building anything, you don't want to have to drag someone along with you right.


So you know, I mean like ambition, specifically where they're trying to work like 12 hour days. I mean.


I don't think that that's ambition. I think that you know, the number of hours you work doesn't really correlate to ambition. You know, we look for something, what I look for someone who has strong work at it, but at the same time, I want someone who's gonna have goals. They're gonna be driven to achieve those goals and when I talk about ambition, that's what I'm talking about. You got to have, you have, you have to have a purpose, and your purpose has to be more than I'm just gonna sit around and watch you do stuff.


Yeah well, I I obviously know that you don't like it when people give up. It's not so much that.




Be like it's opposite of ambition, like right, if you're always giving up on things like you're not even Trying your best so that's lack of motivation, or Discipline okay you can be very ambitious and not achieve anything.


That's true. So when you talk about ambition, there's a piece that goes that. I mean there's pieces that go along with it. But what I don't like is I don't like. It's not that I don't like it. My expectation, or my goal is for people to realize their potential, and you don't realize your potential. Staying in that comfortable space. Right, and I'm gonna use a story, and the story is about you. When we ran that half marathon. Mm-hmm in Pennsylvania.




You weren't being very ambitious and let me explain to you what I mean. You were on pace to Shatter your personal record and I didn't say anything for most of the race. And when we got to a point where I did say something, you got real comfortable. Now I know what you're gonna say. You're gonna say my compartment syndrome started to kick in. But here's my response to all of that. Pain is temporary. But my response to all that is this, and I say this all the time the body does what the mind tells it.


So, mentally, if you start telling yourself, nah, I ain't got this, then you don't have it, so that's, that's not but you're right, I did start questioning myself because I did start when it did start kicking in and I was in pain. The question that was running through my mind is am I even gonna be able to finish this because of all the amount of pain that I was in? So no, you're right to some degree.


Of course I am Just not all of it. Well, you know, I did again. I don't think that, I don't think that you know what you can accomplish if you tell yourself that you Can't do it. And I understand that pain is real, but at the same time, well, you are, say that I couldn't accomplish it.


I was questioning whether I could.


I'm gonna tell you. You said you weren't going to do it. And I'll tell you, I'm gonna give you a perfect example. Remember when I said, okay, when we hit mile 11, we're gonna pick it up? Do you remember what your response was?


I'll wait till mile 13.


Yo, you said nope, I'm gonna wait till mile 13. You actually said nope.


I'm gonna wait till mile 13.


For all those who don't understand, a half marathon is 13.1 miles, so that means you wanted to wait until you had a tenth of a mile left before you actually started picking it up or putting some more spice into that race there.


Well, you know I don't want to get too far down the road, but I feel like at least that did show a different quality that hopefully you do find.


Listen when, when, when I talk about a vision and I talk about someone who has a strong work work ethic. What? You do, and this is not about you but someone who has a strong work ethic, someone who has that drive to achieve goals and someone who can bring a sense of purpose and motivation into the relationship, where I Don't have to actually provide that purpose and provide that motivation at all times.


Yeah Well, yeah, no, and I agree, like you do need to have that self motivation right, like you can't always depend on other people for that. So I feel like if you do, that would probably be a turnoff.


Wait, oh, if you have to provide that you don't want to provide it all the time 100%, if you have to, if you have to provide that all the time it is Turn off. And now when we start talking about you know I'm gonna take a step back and I'll get to this other point. We talk about what men look for and I start talking about the foundation. For me, ambition is is clearly at the top, but again, I mentioned this in the last episode as human beings were shallow, so there is a sense of attractiveness that has to be part of that foundation. And when I say attractiveness, I don't always mean physical appearance, right, so attractiveness is made up of. It comes across in many different ways intellectually, right, emotionally. There are a number of things that actually make up the aspect when I talk about attractiveness, because I'm talking about going beyond looks. Now, when I say I'm talking about going beyond looks, I'm speaking for myself and many who have the same.


But again, there are people who want trophy wives. I get it.


There are people who want trophy wives. There are people who don't want a Partner who has ambition. They just want to be able to control them. But we're not talking about those people there because I'm a positive individual and I keep things on the positive side.


But and I feel like the attractiveness is the one that I think does overlap between men and women, right, I think there needs to be some a level of Attractiveness. Like you can't think that this is the most disgusting person you ever seen why do you always got to go so? Far to the left.


Listen, you always go so far to the left. I agree what you say.


I think most women, I think, are also Not a shallow.


We tend it's what I will give you this. What I will say is this when we start talking about attractiveness, I think that women have more of a range than men do, and by that what I mean is there are certain men. When you talk about attractiveness, they're just talking about the physical appearance and even from the perspective of if I go left, like you did, I think Women have more range when we talk about that physical parents than men do leeway range yeah, we when you, when you hear, and so.


So when I start talking about Beyond looks, I am talking about you know the mental aspects. I am talking about the personality. Now You're typically, when someone says she has a great personality, you know what that means.


Connotation behind that is you know, from a physical perspective, she is not all the way there well, yeah, well, to your point, I I I Certainly wouldn't want somebody, and I'm not gonna speak for all women, but personally I wouldn't want somebody who's ugly on the inside, no matter how attractive that they are on the outside.


Well, there's a lot of ugly people on the inside.


So the question, the question becomes how long it takes you to see how ugly they are on the inside, because like that whole, like I Can't remember that whole chart diagram type situation where Attractiveness and craziness I think it's also the same attractiveness and ugliness on the inside. You have to find, like that, balance between the two. Okay how ugly on the inside can somebody be that it then becomes too overwhelming?


I don't want nobody ugly on the inside. I don't want nobody ugly on the inside. But that's what it makes me think because you know what the thing about it is that ugliness on the inside, you know, is ugly. Yeah, no you know, I mean it's one of those things. But when you start to see what it is is I mean it's ugly and then you know right when someone's ugly on the inside that can be contagious, you can become ugly on the inside too.


Yeah, no, obviously I personally could not deal with any bit of ugliness. I obviously to your point we're all shallow to some degree and we're all. None of us are perfect and we all probably have a spark of darkness Inside.


All of us probably mean more than others but we can tell by the comments that you make.


At the same time, if somebody's showing their ugliness like their personality ugliness.


There is what.


I can't, I can't deal with that.


Yeah, there is one aspect of attractiveness that I think that well, that I believe that men and men and women share and I mentioned this when we had the conversation about the characteristics that women look for and for men, confidence is very, very attractive. When a woman is confident and she's about herself, and by that what I mean is she Knows who she is, she knows what she wants and, on top of that, she doesn't rely on any external factors to have to tell her that she is who she is. That is extremely attractive.




The other part about that, too, is when someone is very confident, the way that they carry themselves is also very attractive, because when you're confident, it's, and again, there is a difference between being confident and being conceded.


I was gonna say obnoxious but when?


When you're confident in yourself mm-hmm you don't have to go overboard because you're not putting on a show for anybody. Yeah, you are who you are. You can be confident and be humble. You can be confident and Understand that the world is not all about you. Confidence is not concededness.


Right and when someone understands who they are and, at the same time, they understand that there are things in this world that far exceed what the normal or what the petty stuff is, that is extremely attractive, and I think those characteristics a lot of men are looking for when they start Searching for a partner.


Yeah, no, I'm thinking too late. Confidence I know I'm not gonna be the center of anybody's everybody's universe, I should say but I am at least the center of my own and that's what it is I mean to think about.


That is, you know, as long as you're not the center of your own by yourself, right, you can be the center of your own world and have the other people who you pulled into that. Mm-hmm and and I think that's what it's about- yeah, so what do you?


so? What do you think about people who do Not do?


what do you think about people who you people, with some of women, go ahead say it.


Get like a ton of plastic surgery. Do you think that that is helpful or detrimental? Because you know the plastic surgery could be there to help boost their confidence. So maybe that they do have the confidence now, maybe they didn't before, I don't know. I feel like that's a slippery slope so you?


I tend not to comment on stuff like that, right? Because you never know what someone is actually thinking, and I think that different things make different people happy. If the question is do I prefer someone who has had plastic surgery done, then the answer to that is no. Look, you know, I use this phrase and I tend not to say it because I got some things that are going on. I believe in the imperfection of being perfect, or the perfection of being imperfect, and by that what I mean is accepting yourself for who you are and understand that listen, nobody's perfect.


But when you accept who you are and you understand that, okay, well, I am, what is the word I'm looking for? I am deserving of everything that comes to me, and when I say everything, I'm talking about all the positive things. All the positive things. I'm confident in who I am. I'm confident in my capabilities. I don't need any other stuff. That is what I find attractive. Now, some people may be confident and just wanna change a look, and they may be changing it for confidence. Well, they may just be changing it, just because they like something a particular way. That's their choice and their reason, right? So, whatever their reason, it's their reason. I just don't believe that you have to do something like that for your confidence, and maybe and again, there are people who may not be doing it for confidence.


Yeah, no, I think, like I said, it's a slippery slope, right. Like I think if somebody does something to boost their confidence once, like hey, you know what, I'm a confident person, but whatever, blank, I really wish that this looked differently. I just think it becomes an issue if they keep on doing it, cause then that's not a confidence booster. I think that's where you start towing the line, where, okay, well, you're almost like needing too many confidence boosters.


Yeah, but again, I can't sit here and say that people are doing that for confidence. Only each individual actually knows that, as an example, one situation.


people do it obviously for all different reasons, but yeah, so I'm getting away from the plastic surgery that, as you mentioned over there. So, again, I talked about foundationally characteristics that men look for and just like women. There are some pillars that I threw in some categories, and one of those is, I think, for me, one of the things that, or one of the characteristics that I look for in women is the ability to be social. As you know, I am a social butterfly at times, yes, and when I say be social, what I mean is you gotta have the skills and the ability to be able to communicate people who you may come in contact with, with your partner.


It's just not socially awkward.


Well, this is not about being socially affected. Again, listen, I don't know why you go down these tunnels where I gotta keep pulling you back.


Well, to me, I think, there is different perspectives, or even different levels.


There's a spectrum when you start talking about being social.


You know, I feel like I am a weird situation because I am social, but not socially at the same time. Well, let me tell you about.


Let me talk about the social, these spectrums of sociability, when I'm talking about trying to find in a partner Again one I mentioned about the communication and being able to have the skills and the ability to have a conversation with those individuals who you may come in contact while you're around that person. Right, I'm talking about the skills that are essential for building and maintaining a relationship.


Yeah, okay.


Right, and so that's one aspect of the spectrum. Another aspect of the spectrum is adaptability. So situations change and you may enter into a situation, a social situation, and it might be one way and then it may go left or right. And if you can't adapt and you can't adjust your communication style or you can't adjust the way you interact, then we're gonna be at a crossroad, right? I think adaptability is a big aspect of that social spectrum, because now we're talking about being able to take your behavior and your attitude and all other stuff and shape it to the context of the stuff that's actually happening around you.


Right, it's not changing you necessarily, but you might not behave the same way, you know, in a social family get together versus a formal girl.


Yeah yeah, why are you laughing so much?


I don't know, I'm trying to. I'm picturing some of the crossover, so it's in my mind that it's making me laugh.


Yeah, we're gonna have to find a device to put on your head so we can see the images that you see when you talk, because you sure do a whole lot of laughing when you start talking about some of these things. Now let's talk about one additional aspect of that social spectrum, and that's disposition. You gotta have a pleasing disposition, and let me explain what I mean by that. You can't be walking around all angry at the world at all times. You have to be able to put yourself in a situation where people are Easy, people find you approachable.


I could stop laughing, not because I have a picture in my head, but you know, it just reminds me of the conversations that when I tell people that I'm not, I'm not always like very social, but then everybody's like, but you talk to everybody.


You do talk to everybody.


No, everybody talks to me Like. People just approach me all the time and start having conversations.


And you just pick right up and just kick it with them.


I do yeah, absolutely.


Which is not a bad thing.


So I did laugh when you just said that, because I guess I'm very approachable.


Yeah, you are very approachable. That's funny story. Funny story Kate, who I work with, came to M&A and I'm not that's the only name that I'm gonna use. She said yeah, so-and-so came up to me and he said that they were very happy you did something for them and they wanted to give you a hug, but you just didn't look approachable. I'm like, well, that's good.


That's good.


I don't wanna be approachable in those situations. But you know, one of the other pillars that for me is important when we talk about characteristics of a partner is intelligence. And you don't have to be Albert Einstein, you don't have to be a genius, but you gotta have some level of intelligence. If I can't have an intelligent conversation with you, then it ain't gonna work. If all we can talk about is a TV show or what you saw on social media, then it's just not gonna work. You gotta be able to contribute to stimulating conversations in the relationship for it to work for me.


So you mean somebody who you can have a podcast with.


As long as they're contributing to stimulating conversation.


But how do you define creativity and intelligence, Like obviously sometimes those are Well, creativity is not one that I put on there. I know.


I said intelligence the way I define intelligence. Again, you have to be able to contribute to an actual stimulating conversation. That means you gotta be able to formulate an opinion on something and it has to be more than the usual social media or drama stuff that's actually happening in the world. You gotta be able to help. Well, you have to be able to contribute to the problem-solving aspect of a relationship or a partnership. And when I talk about intelligence, one aspect too, that is a big portion of that pillar that I can't forget about is when we talked about what men, what women, look for. I think one of the points that we talked about, one of the characteristics we mentioned, was emotional availability. From the side of men, or at least for me, emotional stability is huge. I need someone who's balanced. I need someone who, emotionally, you can have emotions but you can maintain a decorum and not be here one day and then all the way down here the next day For no reason.


Yes, and particularly under I mean particularly under duress. I need someone who is going to become, because if you're not emotionally stable and a situation arises whether it's a situation between you and your partner in a relationship or whatever if I gotta worry about you being all over here and I gotta bring you down or bring you up, then that's where all my time is going to go and that doesn't leave time for us to actually try to deal with whatever is causing that duress.


Well, I'm feeling it's emotional, exhausting.


Oh, I want to feel it.


I'm sitting having to either, like you said, taking people down and calming them down, or bringing them up and massaging their ego, maybe, or something, I don't know. Whatever is causing them to be down.


It's, just it's exhausting.


When someone is extremely on the negative side when something happens. It is exhausting trying to deal with someone who has those feelings. And I'm not saying you have to be happy, go lucky all the time. You gotta have a sense of balance and balance means that when you may be here, but again you can get to here. So you know you balance that stuff out. I think that's really important. So when I talk about the pillars of characteristics, when I look for, or when men look for, a partner, I think that's also a big aspect of it.


No, I could not imagine. I feel like that's, you know, a big one and I'm surprised we didn't even talk about it with men. I know we talked about the emotional availability, of the emotional availability.


Availability. We talked about the emotional availability. I think it's.


But we didn't really talk about stable.


Well, I believe that's because men and women look for different things.


Yeah, no, I think from the women's perspective, like the mentions, but I feel like that's still important, even for the people.




You don't think so.


No, because women like crazy. I mean I think women like crazy, not all women, obviously not all women. And again, because we're talking about men today, like I said, there's some men who don't want someone who's ambitious. I think that there are some men who may want some control, and so when you start talking about these different aspects, about, you know, emotional stability and things like that, they may not want those, but overall, for the most part, I do believe that you know, from the perspective of men, they want someone who's emotionally stable.




Most women are emotionally available, and so that's why I think where the characteristics differ, when we talk about men and women.


Now, when we were talking about what women were looking for, that last piece of the puzzle I called the spice, but for men that last piece is I basically call it the bonus. Right, because when you start looking at what they're looking for, what we're looking for from the foundational perspective and what those pillars are, everything else that after that is bonus. Yeah, when I talk about the bonus, there are certain qualities that basically add a sense of joy and stability for men in a relationship.


So this is the cherry on top.


This is basically the cherry on top, and you know, one of those cherries is when a woman is dependable. Ok, that's joyous. And so think about it. When the situation arises, you want someone who's gonna be reliable. Regardless of what the situation is, you want someone who's gonna be reliable. That means that the burden of handling the situation is not always solely on you.




You know what I mean.


So not just somebody that has your back, but somebody that Well, listen, when you start talking about someone being dependable, that means they are reliable in those situations, that means they are supportive, but, more importantly, that also means that they're consistent. Right, and we start talking about consistency. When you have someone who is reliable and consistent, now you know that it's not gonna be a situation where one day they are supportive and the next day they're not. Yeah, it's regardless of what happens. They got your back in it and they're gonna consistently be supportive. That is a huge cherry.


Jesus Christ, I don't personally like Maraschino cherries, but no one said it was a Maraschino cherry. But I can see that that is. I feel like that would even have played well with what women look for men too. I think we might have touched on that one. I think we so I can see that yeah, that's really important.


Yeah, let me get to this and let me get to this last bonus, because we gotta get over your case of the giggles. So, in addition to someone having that characteristic of being dependable I put this in the bonus section, but for me this is very, very important. You gotta be mature, you gotta have a level of maturity, and when I talk about maturity just like I talked about when we were talking about characteristics that women look for, I'm talking about emotional maturity and I'm talking about mental maturity. Okay, we gotta be at least able to communicate emotionally and mentally at a level that is, at the level of adults.


Okay, most of the time at least, because I know I can be immature.


You mean like, never mind, I'm not going to get into it. Yes, most of the time, most of the time, someone who is able to emotionally be stable enough to keep the lines of communication open when something goes wrong. Right, because I talked about that whole emotional stability piece. But being mature means that you can maintain that when a situation arises, right, when that duress happens, and you need to maintain that, and you have to be able to be able to make responsible decisions. Yeah, and by that what I mean is you know when you're in a relationship, you're in a partnership.




And in some cases you're going to make decisions as you know a partnership but in other cases you're going to have to make a decision on your own.


That's just the way things go, you mean because you're not attached at the hip to a person.


It's not that you're not attached at the hip, but you might be out, I mean like you know, you're not together every second of the day. Exactly so. You have to be able to make decisions for yourself, yeah, and so if we're not together and you go out and you spend $100,000 on a spoon, then that's it. Oh, I have to be able to know that you're going to be mature enough and responsible enough to make smart decisions.


I was going to do that tomorrow.


Yeah, well, you're not going to get the opportunity to do that. So, you know, during this whole conversation, you know we talked about the characteristics that you know there's one that I was surprised that I didn't see on this one. What's that?




No, nurturing wouldn't be on there, and I'll tell you why Mothers are nurturing. Think about that for a second. It depends on who the man is.




I'm not looking for someone to nurture me, right.


Yeah, but no, I didn't mean it necessarily in the sense of like to the person. But you know, sometimes when you're trying to find somebody, you're also looking for who you can raise a family with and things of that nature. That's true, yeah.


But again, it depends on what your goal is.




Right, so when you're first looking for a partner again, we had I think that would have been more worked in if we were talking about, you know, the last episode where we were talking about that potential.




Right. So, characteristically, when I'm looking for a partner, I don't know if nurturing is one of those things, because I got to get to know someone first and see if that's a characteristic that they may have.


Well, and that's why it was great that you were in a Momma's Boy.


Well for you.




Anyway, just like with women, understanding what men want is about finding equilibrium, and again, everyone's perspective is different and not all men are going to be looking for the same thing, but I do think that there are some characteristics that, on a whole, men look for, that on a whole, that are similar to some of the things that women look for, but at the same time, I do think there are some differences between the ideas of what a man looks for when he's looking for a partner and what a woman looks for. Now let's get into my weekly reflection. Someone will always have an opinion on what you should or should not do, but only you can control whatever decision it is that you're going to make. Just be sure that the decision you make is one that you can actually live with in the long run. Thank you for joining us on the Lunch With Sandy podcast. Be sure to follow and leave feedback Until next time. Stay well.


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